Catholic youth leadership training description

RECOMMENDED: Online Discipleship Training Courses with Eric Gallagher

When it comes to Catholic youth ministry, there is no shortage of great Catholic resources for teens.  But we at YDisciple firmly believe that training adults to become disciple-makers precedes content for teens.

While we offer an ever-growing library of training for your leaders, we don’t claim to have the market cornered.  There are many great organizations and people who are building up the world of Catholic ministry and discipleship and we want to connect you with them, too.

One such person is Eric Gallagher – friend of YDisciple, discipleship guru (is that a thing?), and a man who is still actively engaged in ministry leadership working for the Diocese of Sioux Falls.

He has created 2 amazing online courses for parish leaders and for volunteers to grow in discipling young people.

They are available for purchase here.


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