Mentor Profiles


In the U.S., there are 1,700 Catholic young people to every 1 paid youth minister. In other countries, the gap is even wider. Young people need adult mentors who will walk with them on their journey of faith and invest deeply in them.

YDisciple's new Mentor Profiles were created to help encourage and inspire potential adult volunteers to take on mentorship roles in the lives of young people, specifically as small group leaders. Our team flew around the continent (and across the ocean!) to talk with some of the adult mentors who inspire us about how and why they do what they do.

Our video "Why Small Group Mentorship?" briefly features each mentor in turn to help you inspire adults in your community to take on mentorship roles. You can dive deeper into each story in the Mentor Profiles, available on YDisciple's platform and on YouTube.

We pray that these stories encourage you in your own ministry and that they help you to find more laborers for the harvest!

Watch "Why Small group mentorship?"

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