This series follows the journeys of two young people, Mario and Hannah, as they discover what it means to live a sacramental life. Throughout the series, they'll interview experts who range from priests to therapists to founders of non-profits, diving deep into the reality of grace and how it's made available to us in Confession and the Eucharist, just in time for the National Eucharistic Revival. Featured experts include:
- Veronica Marrinan and Lillian Fallon of Litany NYC
- Fr. Orlando Rodriguez, Sch.P. of the Piarist Fathers
- Mike Delouis
- Daisy Vanderputt
- Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow of Mary's Meals
- Fr. Frankie Mulgrew
- Kenna Millea, LMFT
watch the trailer
This Series Includes:
- 4 video sessions
- Leader Guides with carefully crafted discussion questions, suggested activities, and prayers
- Parent resources in English & Spanish
- Participant Guides
- COMING SOON: A training session just for leaders on how to run this series effectively
Ways to Access "Overflow"
Purchase the Study
- Leader Guides
- Participant Guides
- Parent Sheets (English & Spanish)
- Introductory Training Video
- Available for digital download
Subscribe toYD Essentials
$19 per month
- One account
- Streaming of ALL YDisciple video studies
- Downloadable leader guides, participant guides, and parent sheets (English & Spanish)
- Extended library of leader training videos
- Access to a selection of non-video resources
- Free access to iOS, Android, and Roku apps
- Email onboarding
Subscribe toYD Premium
$595 per year
- Unlimited accounts
- Streaming of ALL YDisciple video studies
- Downloadable leader guides, participant guides, and parent sheets (English & Spanish)
- Extended library of leader training videos
- Access to all non-video resources
- Free access to iOS, Android, and Roku apps
- Live onboarding via Zoom